


創立於1995年 我們致力於歐洲時尚精品貨源開發



協助客戶輕鬆取得貨源 更能專心服務消費者

我們持續開發純歐系精品 包含高級男女服飾、精品皮包、純歐洲製男女鞋

以及子公司的歐洲高級生活用品 立志成為國內各精品店最有保障的貨源後盾


在台灣  我們以最誠懇的信念與客戶共同合作

在歐洲  我們要求合理的進價和應有的商品品質

在過去、現在與未來 卓越且值得信賴的虹毓貿易將會是您最佳的事業伙伴

Horeng Yueh Trading Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1995, we are committed to the development of European fashion boutique sources

Provide customers with complete fashion information and diversified products as the best behind-the-scenes business partners of various domestic boutique clothing stores

Assist customers to easily obtain the source of goods and focus on serving consumers

We continue to develop pure European products, including high-end men's and women's clothing, high-quality leather bags, pure European-made men's and women's shoes, and subsidiary European high-end daily necessities.

Determined to be the most secure source of backing for various domestic boutiques. We have grown steadily in the business philosophy of co-existence, co-existence among the three parties: brand, company and customer.

In Taiwan, we cooperate with customers with the most sincere faith

In Europe, we require reasonable purchase prices and due product quality

In the past, present and future, the outstanding and trusted Hongyu trade will be your best business partner